It may be ❄️ chilly ❄️ outside
but our
Semi-Annual Clearance Sale
🔥🔥🔥 H-O-T 🔥🔥🔥
an overflowing
🔥 $5 #TreasureTrunk 🔥
packed with all kinds of new fiber goodness!
👉 Starts Wed 1/17 at 10 am
👉 552 Lipscomb, Near Southside, Fort Worth
👉 Virtual shopping via text/video/call to 817.854.YARN.
👉 New hours for 2024:
Wednesday - 10a to 7p (2 hours earlier)
Thursday & Friday - 10a to 3p
Saturday - 10a to 5p (2 hours later)